Saturday, March 22, 2008

christian chat rooms and facebook

I now have a myspace
, hisholyspace
, and face book just look up my name,
profiles so if you want to look me up on on all three of those.

Now down to business. I was a moderator in but prayerful who is in charge of the site, has made the decision to close the site. so here with in the next few weeks the site will shut down due to lack of people and participation of the mods and chaters. Its sad.
But I will now be looking for a new chat room. I've gone back to my old one that I started out in. And I remember no one in there. cause every one switched their names on there. I've also tried another one where I'm not to happy but Prayerful is going to so I kinda want to stick where she is(cause its more fun that way). but I am still looking for a new christian chat room so if you have any that you are particularly fond of let me know. Its hard finding a good decent chat rom even in the christian scene.

But then again I wouldnt have nick if I never got on that old chat room. since I met him there. and I wouldnt have near as many close friends , if I hadnt gone there. so Each one had its place, but its time for change... even if change means I have to give up my ban button and mod stat andmake a clean start in a new chat room.

so please help me out and let me know. thanks

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