Saturday, March 22, 2008

christian chat rooms and facebook

I now have a myspace
, hisholyspace
, and face book just look up my name,
profiles so if you want to look me up on on all three of those.

Now down to business. I was a moderator in but prayerful who is in charge of the site, has made the decision to close the site. so here with in the next few weeks the site will shut down due to lack of people and participation of the mods and chaters. Its sad.
But I will now be looking for a new chat room. I've gone back to my old one that I started out in. And I remember no one in there. cause every one switched their names on there. I've also tried another one where I'm not to happy but Prayerful is going to so I kinda want to stick where she is(cause its more fun that way). but I am still looking for a new christian chat room so if you have any that you are particularly fond of let me know. Its hard finding a good decent chat rom even in the christian scene.

But then again I wouldnt have nick if I never got on that old chat room. since I met him there. and I wouldnt have near as many close friends , if I hadnt gone there. so Each one had its place, but its time for change... even if change means I have to give up my ban button and mod stat andmake a clean start in a new chat room.

so please help me out and let me know. thanks

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Man I've got the cabin fever today. I dont know if its due to the days this week I've been stuck inside due to a cold. But today I feel better. not completely but enough. Nick told me this morningthat we are suposed to get up to 50 degrees this week. So I'm uber happy. I will take the pre-schoolers outside this week!!!!! or I'll regret it. Fianlly a nice day during the week. so I dont care if I have to make them stay on the black top only. we are going outside. or Miss Bonita Will go crazy. Yes I will. lol so I've got spring fever. Need spring now!!!!! Need fresh air now!!!!! Need to get crazy hyper children outside now!!!!for months they have been shut inside because of cold and rain. No longer !!!!!!! lolThank god today for nice weather yes thank him get on your knees and bless him today cause Nice weather is almost here!!!!!!!YAY GOD!!!! YOU ROCK LORD!!!!!!! YOUR AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

fairy tale dreams

tell me please
when did you fall?
fall you say in what way?
in love, I dare to ask, I dare to say.

no I do not sing the song, though sometimes it runns around in my head.
when I think of you and me, my heart goes dancing.

Yes a true romantic am I, A little girl who still dreams of fairy tales and prince charmings.
of grand romances and happy ever afters. this is the hidden side to me which only comes in my dreams

but what girl hasnt dreamed of these, of falling in love of finding her prince.
Yes I have found my prince. And He is every thing I've ever dreamed.

when did you fall? you say.
Fall? Ask I . in love? I say.

one summer night out under the stars. at the lake, in your arms. and every day all over again.
and as we speak I know I'm living my fairy tale dream.


hold a piece of history and travel back in time.
step into another world it will blow your mind
dig up ancient cities,
uncover ancient ways.
look through the eyes of ansestors
who thousands of years before lived their lives and died.
look to the past or be doomed to repeat it.
remeber it see it, feel it touch it. grasp it
for its here today for us to see but not forever will it be.
explore it, document it, piece the puzzle of our history together
dig further
look and you will find mysteries beyond your time, look here and you will see a glimpse back, and into the future, life goes on , and one day our sons and daughters hundreds of years from now will wonder even more about the years that have passed and will look to us to see where they have come from.
learn it and cherish it for though its here today tomorrow it may be only a memory.
learn from history and you'll learn about yourself

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I have been miserable with this cold for the past week. I've done every thing the doctors tell me to taken what they have given me and every day I feel worse than the day before. It makes me wonder if any of the medicines are doing their job. becuase I'm doing mine. They told me to drink plenty of fluids well thats practically al thats gone into my system the past three days. and quite frankly I'm sick of tea and I want my taste buds back so I can enjoy a nice cup of coffee again. went to the doctor wednesday they gave me an antibiotic started feeling worse by friday (much worse ) so I called the doctor and they switched antibiotics. I have missed two days of work and I really cant afford to miss any more. this cold is all screwy. it started off as a cough. then I lost my voice and the whole cold was in my chest. then thursday my nose got in the action and sneezeing fits and a runny nose that wont blow came into play along with a massive headache that kept me under the covers with no noise around me the light off, cause the light and the sounds would make my head throb. and it lasted all day after two atempts to thwart it with ibuprophen. then my throat started hurting and the cough got worse. so much worse I could barely breath. so I tried doing a breathing treatment and that didnt help it made me feel worse. now a week since this cold started I'm ready more than ready for it to end. I'm sick of being home in bed. I'm sick of not being able to do anythng. I'm sick of feeling like crap. I just want this cold to be over with. now. Is that so much to ask. This is the worst cold I've ever had and it can end as soon as possable.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

still dreaming about my preshy

It's been a long day. Nick burried his dog lightning today she was put down yesterday. All day in the back of my head all I think about is how much I miss Precious. I know It's been two months. BUt I miss him so much. Last night I dreampt that he was beside my head. right where he should be. And I could have sworn I heard purring but When I lifted my head and opened my eyes, I was at nicks, not at home and the cats werent even in the room.

Some times at night When I close my eyes and I'm hugging goober or midnight I feel like preshy's there. Like he's happy. Like he's looking down on me and them and he's finally at peace. And I dont know it just makes me happy, and it makes me cry. I'm glad he doesnt hut any more. I'm glad he's no longer in pain. But I just wish I still had him. Now all I have are his memory. And that will have to be enough. Maybe God will Feel the way I do, and maybe he will save a spot for him when I get to heaven. Because without preshy my heart has a whole. and no one but he can fill it.

thats all for now.